17th International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning, ventilation equipment



In the post-pandemic period, when exhibitions and forums were under a ban, entrepreneurs are increasingly participating in industry events to search for new opportunities and new business partners. An example of this is the work of the industry expo platforms - KazBuild 2022 and Aquatherm Almaty 2022 in Almaty.

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Both events were held in parallel in Almaty from September 7 to 9 and covered the topics of construction and interior design, heating and water supply - everything related to residential and industrial construction. The demand for participation in exhibitions was high: in comparison with 2021, in 2022 the exhibition area doubled.
Several factors encourage businesses to participate in these events. The first is the wide geography of exhibitors, which means great opportunities to search for foreign partners without leaving Kazakhstan.
In 2022, 355 companies from 24 countries took part in two exhibitions. Among the states from which the participants of the KazBuild exhibition arrived are Azerbaijan, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Denmark, India, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, UAE, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Finland, France and South Korea.

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National and collective groups from Germany, Malaysia, Poland, Spain, Russia and India were represented. The latter was represented, for example, by 19 ceramic tile manufacturers who came to Kazakhstan for the first time.
Aquatherm Almaty 2022 was attended by 115 companies from 12 countries: Belarus, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Turkey, France, Czech Republic and South Korea.
For the first time, the Union of Turkish Exporters - ISIB took part in the exhibition, as well as manufacturers of engineering equipment from Russia and the Czech Republic presented a collective exposition.
During the Zeki Ozen opening ceremony, a member of the board of the Union of Turkish Exporters in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, noted:
“It is a great honor for us to represent Turkish manufacturers as a single national group, because it has historically Turks and Kazakhs are fraternal nations for each other, therefore it is important to increase cooperation between the two countries and expand the integration of economies, we are interested in further participation in exhibitions for this purpose”.
This quote reflects the essence and benefit of the event for business - the opportunity to expand connections and find new partnerships in one place. Entrepreneurs actively took advantage of this opportunity.
Thus, according to the organizers, over three days, over 5.6 thousand unique specialists not only from Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, but also from countries such as Australia, Canada, Great Britain, USA, UAE, Switzerland, Mongolia and others visited the KazBuild and Aquatherm Almaty exhibitions.

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In addition to the opportunity to search for partners and learn about the latest achievements in the field of construction, the participants were also attracted by the business program. It consisted of several conferences and seminars where experts talked about the application of new technologies.

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As part of Aquatherm Almaty 2022, representatives of Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture, Wolf, EnterAR, Cad.kz, Nevatom, LINEAR GmbH and Alcor were speakers at the conference: “BIM technologies in the design of engineering systems and communications. Practical experience and application”, and Azimut Engineering and Clivet companies held seminars on climate equipment.
In parallel, 16 sessions were held as part of the KazBuild exhibition. For example, the first Eurasian Industry Forum “Windows 2022. Focus on development” was held. The new format of Design Fest was presented by the Association of Designers and Architects of Kazakhstan. The Association held a meeting for guests and participants of the exhibition with seminars and master classes from the best invited designers.
Traditionally, presentations of the KAZGOR Design Academy and the National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan were held at the platform, during which the following topics were disclosed: the BIM implementation program from audit to a pilot project, and the results of the second republican study “The level of development and application of BIM technologies in companies of design and survey industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Also, a special project - “Real Estate Alley”, where representatives of developer companies told visitors about new projects and advantageous offers, was organized for the first time.
Participants included K7 Group Holding, Barys Stroy 2001, MTS Company LTD, MDI, Lider Group Consalt and Otbassy Bank. The specialists of the latter consulted in detail all the guests of the exhibition on their housing programs.
Thus, the KazBuild and Aquatherm Almaty exhibitions became not only a place to demonstrate equipment and technological solutions, but also carried an important educational element. Thus, they once again secured the title of the central industry events not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the region as a whole. The constant growth in the number of participants is proof of this.
The exhibitions were organized by Iteca Kazakhstani Exhibition Company and its international partner - the ICA Eurasia group of companies, and the official support was provided by the Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, the Akimat of Almaty.
The event was also supported by professional associations - the Association of Architects, Designers and other professional participants in the construction industry, the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the KAZGOR Design Academy and the Association of Developers of Kazakhstan.
Next year, the exhibitions will also be held in autumn, from September 6 to 8, 2023. You can follow the news of the events on their official websites.


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