17th International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning, ventilation equipment


Janos Papp , Sales Director of KELET:

KELET has not participated in the AquaTherm Almaty exhibition for about 10 years. Last year we decided to visit the exhibition as guests and saw that it has noticeably revived and improved in recent years. This inspired us to decide to participate this year, and we are very pleased with our choice. The exhibition attracted a large number of visitors, including our target customers not only from all over Kazakhstan, but also from Kyrgyzstan, and even from Russia. It was nice to see such interest in our products. We have been working in the market for a long time and already know our main partners, but we were able to find new potential customers here. Our pumping stations and electric boilers attracted particular interest from visitors, and this is very pleasing. We plan to participate in the exhibition next year as well!

Chingiz Orakbayev, Director of Espa EDK LLP:

Our impressions of the exhibition exceeded expectations. We thought that there would be much fewer visitors, but it turned out that a lot of people came, and among them is exactly the target audience that we expected. Today is only the second day of the exhibition, but we already have concrete results: on both the first and second days we reached certain agreements. We plan to participate in the exhibition next year, as the result is already there, and it needs to be consolidated.

Pavel Shadrin, AIRONN:

Speaking about the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition, I can say that it fully met my expectations. I was confident in the high level of organization and design of the event, and everything is really going on at the highest level. We are pleased with the results, and I can only give this exhibition the highest rating - 10 out of 10. On the first day alone, we identified about 10 potential customers with whom we plan to keep in touch in the future. The interest in our equipment was very high, and we are completely satisfied with it. Yesterday we submitted an application for participation in the next exhibition, which I sincerely recommend to other participants. Let me brag a little: our stand was recognized by the organizers as the best at this exhibition! I congratulate all of us on this!

Damir Tasanov, Ecuador-NT LLP:

This exhibition is a great platform to introduce ourselves, tell about our company and demonstrate our products. We are very grateful to the organizers for this opportunity. We are pleased to announce that we have already reached preliminary partnership agreements with companies from Eastern and Western Kazakhstan who are interested in organizing dealerships in these regions. If everything goes according to plan, we will definitely take part in the exhibition next year.

Shokhrukh Nigmatov, Marketing Specialist of Jihozvent:

Our company is participating in this event for the first time, and it turned out to be very significant for us. Kazakhstan is a strategically important market for us, and this exhibition gave us an excellent opportunity to make a name for ourselves. We have received applications not only from Kazakhstan companies, but also from business representatives from other countries such as Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. We were pleasantly surprised by the number of applications and offers of cooperation. We have already concluded more than 15 contracts and are considering several companies that plan to become our dealers in Kazakhstan. Next year we also plan to participate in this exhibition, as in the first year we received a huge number of applications and interest in our equipment.


Roman Poznyakovsky, Clivet:

We are participating in the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition for the second time. That year, we presented ourselves as part of the conference with a small report, this year we decided to exhibit with a stand. The exhibition justifies itself 100%, in two days we have collected a large number of leads: new acquaintances, new companies, found interesting projects. I think this is an interesting and good approach for further participation next year. In the field of business, according to my feelings, I can say for sure that exhibitions bring additional customers, and customers connect with further participating companies, which gives a collaboration of large, interesting investments, solutions, and the implementation of new facilities. Moreover, newer, more interesting, industrial segments are being introduced, which, it seemed, did not have our equipment, but it turns out they do. Thanks to the exhibition, an interesting new milestone in the company’s development begins. Participation in an exhibition is always interesting for both sides, for us - the participants, as well as for visitors and customers.

Daniyar Badalov, Kiturami-Qazaqstan:

Our company takes part in the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition for 8 times. For three years we have not performed with a stand, but we decided to return. This year the exhibition fully justified our hopes. Our company provides novelties of the most popular models that are in great demand in Kazakhstan. During the two days of participation in the exhibition, we found 8 potential partners. I would also like to note that out of 10 visitors, 9 are our potential customers, business partners. This year the exhibition gave a good result, we hope to find good partners today or tomorrow, we plan to take part next year.

Dmitriy Konshin, CNP:

We came from Russia, we are opening our representative office in Kazakhstan. For the first time we participate in the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition in Kazakhstan, this is the first exhibition in the history of our company. We were preparing - we made our own building, we have an unusual attractive stand. We have studied the exhibition market in Kazakhstan in advance, the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition seemed to us the most interesting. We knew what we expected from participation and our expectations are being met. There are a lot of visitors on the platform, namely the target audience, theoretical partners with whom you can work. A lot of contacts have been collected, I think we will process them after the exhibition, and this will give its result. During the two days of participation, we had several meetings scheduled in different cities of Kazakhstan, the manager will immediately have a business trip to Karaganda after the exhibition. We plan to take part next year and work fruitfully, as we previously exhibited annually in Moscow, and we plan to do the same here.

Bagdat Abdreyev, VTA Kazakhstan:

We are taking part in the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition for the second time, the exhibition is very interesting. There are a lot of visitors, and experts always come to our stand with questions. We were pleased with the participation last year, there were applications for design earlier. There are no closed contracts, but all applications collected at the exhibition are in the process. Our project itself has been going on for a year or more. Next year we also plan to participate with a stand. Perhaps we will take a larger area, change the location.

Nikolay Kasatkin, Fachmann:

Our company participates in the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition with a separate stand for the third time. We are performing here under the auspices of the Ryazan Export Center. The exhibition is quite a good lever to advance in the market not only of Almaty, but also of the whole of Kazakhstan. A large number of visitors at the stand. We have six stand-assistants working at our stand and there are moments when a seventh is missing, we are popular at the exhibition. We are recognized due to the fact that we are exhibiting for the third year, many people come and ask about new products. During these two days, five memoranda of intent were signed to work with us or with our partners. Companies are interested not only in our old products, but also in new ones. The exhibition helps us to develop. We plan to come with a stand next year.


Peter Brasler, Export Director of KUBICEK:

Our company KUBIČEK VHS is from the Czech Republic. We are engaged in the production of air blowers, gas blowers, vacuum pumps. Kazakhstan is a very promising market for us. Our main partner, with whom we have been working for more than 5 years, is located in Almaty. The Czech Republic supports and helps Czech firms to enter the market of other countries. It is economically advantageous for us to participate in such exhibitions and represent our company under one Czech flag. Kazakhstan is a large country, there is a large business market. This is not our first time here, we have 5 partners with whom we have been working for five years. I am glad to be present at the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition. It is always productive and useful for us.

Igor Savchenko, ABO valve:

The purpose of our participation in the exhibition is to develop a customer base, find new potential partners, new contacts, and develop Kazakhstan's exports with the Czech Republic. According to the results to date, we have received several interesting contacts, and we are satisfied with the exhibition. Expectations for visitors are quite satisfactory. The main part of the audience are visitors from Almaty, who are engaged in pipelines, design institutes, there were also design organizations from Pavlodar and from other cities.

Nurbek Brimkulov, Kazeco Complex:

This is not the first time we are participating in the exhibition. This year we are satisfied with the participation, the efficiency is quite high, meetings are held intensively. The last time I was at the exhibition was in 2019, but I would like to note that the exhibition has become better, more interesting, the revival of the exhibition is felt. There are a lot of Russian guests, interesting proposals were voiced. The impressions are very good. We hope that we will have a number of good agreements, and our task will be carried out.


Alexandr Kotov, Nevatom:

Our company has been producing ventilation equipment for 20 years. During this time, we have developed into a fairly large company. We are participating in the exhibition for the first time, this is our first experience in Kazakhstan. Initially, there were conflicting emotions, we did not know whether to take part, but in the end we decided. We promote our brand here, we have branches in Almaty and Astana. From the point of view of our own expectations, we are at a good level at the moment. Today we told our program on models, I think that this is an impetus for the recognition of our brand in Kazakhstan. Concerning the audience, on the first day of the exhibition we had about 75 visitors, today, at lunchtime, about 52 visitors, target customers, with whom we will continue to interact and negotiate on the supply of products and design solutions. We are happy with the exhibition, thank you.

Sahin Buyukkaya, Systemair:

Thank you so much for giving us the chance. We are very happy to be a part of our culture in Kazakhstan. By the way, this is a very amazing exhibition, first of all I would like to say that it exceeds our expectations. This exhibition will increase in the coming years and directly affect business in Kazakhstan and throughout the country. Our company is very pleased to take part in the Aquatherm Almaty exhibition. In Kazakhstan, we have a service office, as well as a service organization. Aquatherm Almaty. We deliver a new product and new solutions to the market. By the way, as a system solution, we have over 50 different types of product assortment in our plants, which makes us strong players, and we must increase our value in the market, including in Kazakhstan.

Yes, of course, we would like to participate next year, and we hope that we will have a large pavilion, because we want more guests to come and visit us, as we will expand our business in Kazakhstan. So next year we will have maybe ten times more area. We will bend every effort in the Kazakhstan market for our customers.


Serhan Bulken, Sales Representative, Eleks company (Turkey)

We found the location of the exhibition in the very center of Almaty very convenient, which provided a good flow of visitors. We are already familiar with the Aquatherm brand, as we have participated in this exhibition in other countries. But we came to Kazakhstan for the first time. Despite the pandemic, the quality of meetings here is at the highest level. We hope that the result of the exhibition will be in the very near future. Many profile visitors are interested in our product. We are confident that we will be able to take our place in the market of Kazakhstan.

Vilia Shilova, a leading marketing specialist, of RVC Plastic LLC (Russia)

We came to the exhibition for new customers, for expanding the sales market. In general, our goals and objectives were achieved. We were satisfied with the exhibition and the number of visitors. On the very first day of work, we managed to establish the contacts that we came for. The audience is 100% targeted, there are no "random visitors", and this immediately caught our eye. The organization of the exhibition was carried out at the proper level. If we compare it with Moscow, we would also like to introduce automatic collection of contacts using the application and scanning QR codes of visitors, which allows participants to replenish the database automatically. In our company, we calculate the conversion according to our own calculations and indicators, and within three months, we will be able to decide unequivocally whether we will come next year. If the conversion rate is high – we will definitely return to participate in Aquatherm Almaty 2022!

Vitaly Matveev, Technical Director of VEZA LLC (Russia)

We were pleasantly surprised by the interest in our company, after the pandemic, people are interested in new information, novelties and technologies. We have been participating in the Aquatherm exhibition for several years; this difficult period for business was no exception. The key decision to participate in the exhibition was our desire to show everyone that our company is developing dynamically. We have released new products that are also designed to combat air problems, and we are in a hurry to present them to designers, potential customers and customers, to tell them about new solutions that can improve the situation. Exactly those specialists whom we would like to see at our stand attended the exhibition. The seminar, which we held as part of the business program, also gathered a highly specialized audience showing a keen interest in the products. The organizers are great fellows, after a break in the holding; they were able to make a high-quality event.

Saijalolov Husan, Head of the Export Potential Development Department of the Uzeltehsanoat Association (Uzbekistan)

Our Association was satisfied with the participation in the exhibition, because first, this exhibition allows us to strengthen our trade and economic relations with Kazakhstan. We were acquainted with a large number of new enterprises, new export directions. We will conclude contracts based on the results of the exhibition. After the pandemic, the situation is not very good and it is quite expected that there are not as many visitors as there could be. However, despite this, we managed to negotiate with potential long-term partners. The organization of the exhibition is at the highest level, we hope for positive results of participation that will influence our decision to participate next year. The Artel Company from our Association is taking part in Aquatherm Almaty for the second time, we were impressed by their success and in 2021, and we decided to participate in the Association with five companies, four of which are presented at the exhibition for the first time. In 2022, we plan to exhibit at a large national stand of Uzbekistan and will bring more than 20 companies.

Andrey Bych, General Director of "Climate PROF Kazakhstan" LLP (Kazakhstan)

I believe that within the conditions and restrictions in which our whole country lives, our company 100% has fulfilled the goals and objectives of participation in the exhibition. We have concluded several long-term partnership agreements and found a huge number of new contacts. The organizers of the Iteca Company did everything possible to preserve the safety of the participants and guests of the exhibition; there was enthusiasm from the visitors, because there was no exhibition last year. In addition, this year the exhibition held again, we met many familiar faces who were happy to meet, and a sufficient number of new visitors, which indicates that the efforts of the organizers were not in vain. Next year, 2022, we hope to take part also in Aquatherm Almaty!