17th International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning, ventilation equipment

Welcome Letters 2017

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!!

On behalf of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I would like to welcome the participants and guests of the 24th Kazakhstan International Building and Interiors Exhibition KazBuild/WorldBuild Almaty 2017 and the 10th Anniversary Kazakhstan International Exhibition of Household and Industrial Equipment for Heating, Water Supply, Sanitary, Air Conditioning, Ventilation “Aquatherm Almaty 2017”!

The construction industry in Kazakhstan plays an important role in the economy of the whole country. The development and modernization of the construction complex is an important condition for the implementation of the State Program of Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Nurly Zhol” for 2015-2019.

Today, much attention is given to reforming the housing and communal services sector, introducing and using innovative technologies, upgrading and technological development of the production base in the sphere of construction and finishing materials. This helps to increase the competitiveness of products and makes the industry attractive for investments.

The specialized exhibitions “KazBuild / WorldBuild Almaty 2017” and “Aquatherm Almaty 2017” annually demonstrate advanced materials and technologies of Kazakhstan and foreign production. Being an effective dialogue platform for meetings of representatives of regions and industry leaders, the exhibitions provide great opportunities for searching for new forms of interaction and lay the foundation for further development of business.

I wish all participants, guests and organizers effective work, fruitful meetings, profitable and promising cooperation!

Vice Minister of Investments and Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
R. Sklyar

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am sincerely glad to welcome the participants and guests of the 10th Anniversary International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning, ventilation equipment - Aquatherm Almaty 2017.

In 2016, agreements and memorandums were signed to expand cooperation among the largest companies, municipal services of the city, as well as contractors. I hope this year's exhibition will also be productive and will open up opportunities for new ambitious projects.

Development of “Green” economy in accordance with the Development Programme “Almaty 2020” is a priority direction, but one of the most important tasks is the modernization of the housing and utility services system. This will significantly improve the attractiveness of the urban environment for comfortable living of citizens.

The innovative development of energy-efficient, energy-saving and ecologically clean technologies and materials in the housing and utility services, construction and other fields that are widely represented at the annual exhibition Aquatherm Almaty is absolutely necessary to solve this task in the current economic condition.

I wish successful effective work, implementation of the projects, new contacts, as well as effective and continued cooperation with new business partners to all participants and organizers of the exhibition!

Almas Madiev
Head of Management of the entrepreneurship and the industrial-innovational development of the Almaty city

As the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Almaty, I am pleased to welcome the organisers, participants and guests of the 24th Kazakhstan International Building and Interiors Exhibition “KazBuild/WorldBuild Almaty” and the 10th Industrial Equipment Exhibition “Aquatherm Almaty”.

This year 20 German companies for the 13th time will be presented on a single national stand under the sign “made in Germany”. They offer their high-quality products and advanced German technology. Some German brands have been able to successfully secure their foothold on Kazakhstan’s market over the past years, others are represented here for the first time and are long to show you their innovative approaches, high efficiency and protection of the environment in the construction industry.

We will be happy to welcome You at the German stand where you will be able to learn all products of the leading German companies in detail, get professional advice from specialists, and find new business partners.

I sincerely wish the organisers of the exhibition and all companies taking part in it eventful days, useful contacts and fruitful work!

Jörn Rosenberg
Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Almaty

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is my pleasant duty to welcome all participants and guests of three expo-events: 24th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Construction and Interiors", 24th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Interiors and Finishing Materials" and 10th Kazakhstan International Exhibition for Domestic and Industrial Equipment for Heating, Water Supply, Sanitary, Air-conditioning, Ventilation Systems and Pools, Saunas and SPA.

Such high-caliber events have been organized by many years, they serve as a show-room to demonstrate the best achievements of Russian and foreign companies in the sphere of advanced technologies and innovational developments.

Many Russian manufacturers participate in such exhibition, and it is an evidence of the business success of this market segment as well as the possibility to share various operational models for this industry, find out about noteworthy concepts, which all together will undoubtedly strengthen business relations between our countries, create more joint-stock ventures and new jobs.

With all my heart, I wish all participants and guests of the exhibitions to enjoy a successful and fruitful work, to achieve all desired targets, and establish mutually beneficial cooperation between Russian manufactures and their abroad partners!

Best regards,

Trade Representative
of the Russian Federation
in the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. V. Yakovlev

Dear exhibitors and guests!

Dubai Exports, the official Trade Promotion Organization for the Government of Dubai takes great pleasure to welcome participants and guests of the 10th Anniversary International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning and ventilation equipment - Aquatherm Almaty 2017.

Dubai and Kazakhstan have been working closely over the last years and this events offer UAE companies considerable opportunities to enter Kazakhstani and Central Asian markets and become successful in one of the fastest growing economies in the region. Dubai Exports strives to ensure the success of businesses in Dubai and the UAE, providing constant guidance, advice and practical support to both buyers and suppliers. We develop long-term growth strategies to expand businesses and maximise the opportunities given by Dubai’s unique position as a natural trade gateway between the East and West. Among our many services, we provide trade information, branding advice, financial, legal and foreign trade representation and access to potential buyers.

In order to achieve our goals, we participate in key strategic exhibitions and as a Government Department we strive to insure the simplification of “Doing Business” in Dubai working hand in hand with other Government Departments in Dubai & the UAE. It is an indeed a challenging, yet exciting time for global businesses.

This is our 6th year of participation at Aquatherm Almaty and KazBuild/WorldBuild Kazakhstan exhibitions. During this period more than 55 UAE companies came with UAE National pavilion and presented their products and services at this event. It became an effective mean for supporting and expanding cooperation between Kazakhstani and Dubai’s businesses and contributed to development of the industry and solution of strategic challenges which the global construction industry is currently facing.

We, at Dubai Exports, sincerely wish all the success to these exhibitions and look forward to new and prospective contracts and interesting meetings to all the exhibitors and visitors of the exhibitions.

Saed Alawadi
CEO Dubai Exports

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Die Aquatherm Almaty findet dieses Jahr bereits zum zehnten Mal, parallel zur Baumesse KazBuild statt. Dieser Verbund hat sich als größte und bedeutendste Messe für haustechnische Lösungen in der Region etabliert und deckt das gesamte bautechnische Spektrum ab.

Die Aquatherm Almaty bietet die Möglichkeit, sich umfassend über häusliche und industrielle Heizungstechnologien sowie über aktuelle Trends zur Lüftungs- und Klimatechnik und wassersparenden Technologien im Sanitärbereich zu informieren.

Gezeigt werden aktuelle Marktentwicklungen die hohe Effizienz, Zuverlässigkeit, Komfort und Sicherheit vereinen. Den Fachbesucher erwartet ein Überblick über den gesamten Bereich der Gebäudetechnik, angefangen bei der Planung, über die Installation, bis hin zum Betrieb. Zudem können sich Besucher über den internationalen Stand der Technik sowie intelligente, digitale Lösungen für den effizienten Einsatz gebäudetechnischer Systeme in Verbindung mit erneuerbaren Energien informieren. Vor Ort stehen Entscheidungsträger der Branchen zur Verfügung, um Auskunft zu Produkten und neusten technologischen Entwicklungen zu geben.

Digitale und smarte Gebäudeenergietechnik erfordert eine sachgerechte Handhabe durch Fachbetriebe, Planer und Architekten. Dies setzt einen qualifizierten und kontinuierlichen Dialog zwischen Industrie und Fachwelt voraus. Auch in dieser Hinsicht bietet sich die Aquatherm Almaty als Treffpunkt und Branchenereignis besonders an.

Den Besuchern und den Ausstellern der Aquatherm Almaty und der KazBuild wünsche ich viel Erfolg, interessante Gespräche und einen guten geschäftlichen Verlauf.

Andreas Lücke
Bundesverband der Deutschen Heizungsindustrie e.V. (BDH)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

im Namen der GiMA heissen wir alle Aussteller und Besucher der Aquatherm Almaty 2017 herzlich willkommen.

Die Veranstaltung hat sich in den zehn Jahren ihres Bestehens zu der wichtigsten Fachmesse Kasachstans fuer Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Heizung, Klimatechnik, Sanitaer, Wasserversorgung und Umwelttechnologie entwickelt und bietet eine hervorragende Plattform, um sich umfassend ueber die Neuigkeiten der Heizungs-, Lueftungs- und Klimatechnikbranche zu informieren.

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland stellt seit 2012 jaehrlich mit einem Gemeinschaftsstand deutscher Unternehmen auf der Aquatherm Almaty aus. Unser besonderer Dank gilt der Initiative des BDH, Bundesverband der Deutschen Heizungsindustrie e.V., und des FGK, Fachverband Gebaeude-Klima e.V. Unterstuetzt wird der deutsche Stand vom BMWI, Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Energie, und dem AUMA, Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.

Die deutsche Firmenbeteiligung praesentiert Loesungen fuer hohe Effizienz, Verlaesslichkeit, Komfort und Sicherheit. Fachbesucher erhalten einen umfassenden Ueberblick ueber die Branche, angefangen bei der Planung ueber die Installation bis hin zum Betrieb eines Gebaeudes.

Wir wuenschen allen Ausstellern und Besuchern der Aquatherm Almaty 2017 erfolgreiche Messetage und interessante Kontakte, bedanken uns fuer das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen und freuen uns auf eine weiterhin gute Zusammenarbeit.

Ihre GiMA
Mathias Lauk

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,

On behalf of ITE TURKEY / EUF we would like to welcome you to the 10th Anniversary International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning, ventilation equipment - Aquatherm Almaty 2017.

We would like to express our special thanks to all Turkish companies for the continous support in Aquatherm Almaty.

We hope that during Aquatherm Almaty 2017 exhibition all the exhibitors and visitors will have the opportunity to create good business contacts in this high-potential market.

Once again, welcome and enjoy Aquatherm Almaty 2017.

Sincerely yours,

Build & Interiors Group Director

Sales Coordinator

Dear Ladies& Gentlemen,

On behalf of ITE China, we’re pleased welcome you all to the 10th Anniversary International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning, ventilation equipment - Aquatherm Almaty 2017.

Aquatherm Almaty is one of the most professional exhibition of industry for trade visitors in Kazakhstan, Aquatherm Almaty continue to grow and adapt, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive, customer-focused, exhibitors collect here in Aquatherm Almaty 2017 for direct interaction with target audience, effective business cooperation, and Aquatherm Almaty 2017 also attracts global manufacturer, major retailor and wholesaler, suppliers, developers, contractors, etc.

We really appreciate that Aquatherm Almaty provides a great platform for Chinese companies to display their products, develop and communicate with all their customers, to find out industry large and well-known enterprises and competitors and to expand the business territory. Chinese companies will be onsite to present and demonstrate their products and innovations.

We would like to thank each of you for attending Aquatherm Almaty 2017, we could not accomplish what we do without your support and leadership.

I would like to wish you all successful work at the event.

Sincerely yours,

Tracy Tan
Project Manager

Dear Participants and Guests!

On behalf of CEM, we are glad to welcome all participants, official guests and attendees of the 10th Anniversary International exhibition for domestic and industrial heating, water supply, sanitary, air-conditioning, ventilation equipment– Aquatherm Almaty 2017.

Construction sector is one of the dynamically developing industries in the region with local and international investments poured in to ongoing and new projects. It is area of effective cooperation between Kazakhstan and Middle East countries. There are number of projects going in Kazakhstan nowadays and this event is a good platform for companies to share know-how, new technologies and innovations, to demonstrate new products and services. Middle East is well known for its experience in building and construction sector and companies will present chemicals for water treatment, air-conditioning and ventilation products, drainage and water piping systems and etc.

We wish all the guests of the exhibition productive and effective work!

Yana Sapunova
Project Manager

Welcome to the 10th edition of the Aquatherm in Almaty!

Trade fairs play a crucial role in international business life. They are platforms for the dissemination of information, for communicational activities and order placement. They are hubs for spreading innovation and know-how, they are industry showcases and accurate reflections of the current economic situation. One significant benefit of trade fairs is the trust they establish by way of direct contact between suppliers and customers. In an age in which so much communication takes place in the digital realm, fairs have become more important and indispensable than ever before.

In 2017 Aquatherm Almaty celebrates its 10th anniversary – congratulations! The extremely successful development of this trade fair has provided very impressive proof that the show serves all the above-mentioned requirements. After all, it is now the industry’s largest specialised, sector-specific trade fair in central Asia. The status of the Aquatherm Almaty has become very clear in view of Kazakhstan’s growing economic significance and the immense importance of the businesses exhibiting at the show as regards technical advancement and the careful use of resources, alongside enhancements to the quality of life and personal comfort.

As the licensors of this event, we at Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien would like to wish all exhibitors and visitors at the 10th edition of the Aquatherm in Almaty a very pleasant and successful fair.

Best regards,

Martin Roy (Mag.)
Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien